Ray Borg withdraws from Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile bout versus. Brandon Moreno because of child’s surgery

Ray Borg won't be Battling Brandon Moreno after all. I encourage you or some 1 you know to spend 24 hours in a Kids's infirmary. pic.twitter.com/vOMyel78Sg — Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) April 25, 2018Unfortunately Anthony needs to go back into surgery. pic.twitter.com/JgqYtJLoWD — Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) April 26, 2018This was the 3rd time which Borg & Moreno had been scheduled to battle. The premier meeting among Borg & Moreno, planned for Ultimate Fighting Championship Austin in February, was spoiled with an injury to Moreno.

Ray Borg withdraws from Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile because of medicinal Disorders by newborn son

MMA Battling's Ariel Helwani reports which Borg has been forced through his rescheduled bout by "Assassin Baby" next medicinal Disorders by his newborn son. Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile is just 3 weeks away, making training & travel almostimpossible for Borg as he cares for his child, who has indeed undergone 2 brain surgeries after doctors disclosed he had developed hydrocephalus. Borg's son, Anthony, is currently hooked up to a ventilator & is being monitored for possibility seizures. by his son's aftertime in limbo, Borg has understandably decided to step away from competition for the time being. For further Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile battle card break news click here.

Ray Borg withdraws from UFC Chile due to medical complications with newborn son

Ray Borg Withdraws from Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile to Cope by Son's Brain Surgeries

As it stated in Ray Borg Withdraws from Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile to Cope by Son's Brain SurgeriesA pivotal flyweight bout among Ray Borg & Brandon Moreno has been derailed for a 3rd time. Though they initially thought the surgery was a success, Borg later provided an update noting which Anthony would necessity a 2nd brain surgery. because of the high potential of failure of the shunt the doctor ordered to have him back in the operating room for replacement of the shunt," Borg wrote Thursday on Twitter. "Anthony's 2nd surgery went well, however he unfortunately is having Disorders breathing & is hooked up to a breathing respirator," Borg wrote on Friday. pic.twitter.com/vOMyel78Sg — Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) April 25, 2018

Ray Borg withdraws from Ultimate Fighting Championship Chile after newborn son undergoes brain surgeries

Ray Borg is dealing by a lot right This time, & therefore he won't compete in three weeks at Ultimate Fighting Championship battle Night 129 as planned. — Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) April 25, 2018Thank you to everyone for their positive thoughts & prayers during this time & much thank you to the Kids's infirmary of Colorado & all of their staff. 🙏🏼 pic.twitter.com/vOMyel78Sg — Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) April 25, 2018Unfortunately Anthony needs to go back into surgery. 🙏🏼 pic.twitter.com/JgqYtJLoWD — Ray Borg (@tazmexufc) April 26, 2018This marks the 3rd time which Borg (eleven-three MMA, five-three Ultimate Fighting Championship) versus. Moreno (14-four MMA, three-one Ultimate Fighting Championship) has been scrapped. The battle had formerlybeen Determine for February's Ultimate Fighting Championship battle Night 126 in Austin, however an injury to Borg resulted in the battle being moved to Ultimate Fighting Championship 223 in Brooklyn.

Ray Borg withdraws from UFC Chile after newborn son undergoes brain surgeries

This content may collect you by Max Nolan

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