Ultimate Fighting Championship break news, rumors: Max Holloway update, Frankie Edgar versus. Cub Swanson targeted

Max Holloway updates return statusThe scheduled showcase battle for which Ultimate Fighting Championship 222 event earlier this 30 days was to see featherweight champion Max Holloway Eventually defend his title versus Edgar. But, Holloway suffered an ankle injury in training for the showdown & was forced to withdraw from the matchup. In its place for the main event, ladies's featherweight champion Cris Cyborg made quick work of Yana Kunitskaya. just crisis is, the status of Holloway & his ankle is unknown at this point, Extremely we're not exactly sure while this title battle can take place. Whatever the status in the end ends up being, everyone is anticipating the Holloway versus. Ortega showcase we're will get at some point.

also recently? Frankie Edgar shuts drop brain critics ahead of Ultimate Fighting Championship return

previous ufc (UFC) lightweight champion, Frankie Edgar, was knocked out for the premier time in his mixed martial arts (MMA) career earlier this 30 days in the UFC 222 co-main event in Las Vegas, Nevada. might that's the difference among ordinary folks & warriors, that feels such as a much further poetic method to shout only BLEED! "The fundamental difference among an ordinary Person & a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a defy," Edgar wrote on Instagram. "When the ordinary Person takes everything as a blessing or as a curse."I blame the male ego. allow's wish Edgar (22-six-one) is enable to of avert a similar fate, however it ought be noted that his opponent, Cub Swanson (25-eight), is a stand-up fighter by eleven knockouts.

Too soon? Frankie Edgar shuts down brain critics ahead of UFC return

Frankie Edgar added to Atlantic City Ultimate Fighting Championship card

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Frankie Edgar versus. Cub Swanson rematch in the works for Ultimate Fighting Championship Atlantic City

ESPN's Brett Okamoto announced on Tuesday which a rematch among Edgar & Cub Swanson is lock to being finalized for Ultimate Fighting Championship battle Night: Atlantic City on April 21st. This too means which Swanson has evidently re-signed by the Ultimate Fighting Championship, having tested the toll free-agent market upon the expiration of his contract. Edgar (22-six-one) was knocked out by Brian Ortega at Ultimate Fighting Championship 222. He was supposed to face champion Max Holloway in the main event, however while Holloway pulled out, Edgar accepted a short notice bout versus Ortega. Ultimate Fighting Championship battle Night: Atlantic City advanced a 5-round lightweight main event among Edson Barboza & Kevin Lee.

Frankie Edgar vs. Cub Swanson rematch in the works for UFC Atlantic City

This content may collect you by Max Nolan

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