Ultimate Fighting Championship 221 results from final night: Tai Tuivasa versus Cyril Asker battle recap

ufc (UFC) Heavyweight knockout artists Tai Tuivasa & Cyril Asker squared off final night (Feb. ten, 2018) at UFC 221 inside Perth Arena in Perth, Australia. Asker was light on his feet early, that was needful considering the method Tuivasa stepped deep into his right hand on every occasion. Before long, a large right hand stunned the Frenchman, who covered up along the fence. From that position, Tuivasa landed some destructive bullets, alternating among the strengthleft hook & right hand to the skull. "Bam Bam" was both methodical & ruthlessly powerful, saving the Stress on his foe & dropping haymakers without gassing himself out.

Ultimate Fighting Championship 221 results from final night: Jake Matthews versus Li Jingliang battle recap

ufc (UFC) Welterweight bruisers Jake Matthews & Li Jingliang battled final night (Sat., Feb. ten, 2018) at UFC 221 inside Perth Arena in Perth, Australia. Matthews entered UFC hyped as an Australian wunderkind, & he lived up to early expectations. Matthews controlled the battle from there until the finish of the round, trying to sink in a rear naked choke. A large right hand from Matthews stunned the Chinese athlete, however Jingliang somehow immediately scrambled into highest position. Jingliang tried to lead by the cross & one-two all night, however Matthews stayed only through range.

UFC 221 results from last night: Jake Matthews vs Li Jingliang fight recap

Ultimate Fighting Championship 221 results from final night: Curtis Blaydes versus Mark Hunt battle recap

as mentioned in ufc (UFC) Heavyweight hitters Curtis Blaydes & Mark Hunt collided final night (Feb. ten, 2018) at UFC 221 inside Perth Arena in Perth, Australia. Hunt was looking to counter, however Blaydes showed tiny concern for his opponent's strikes & was willing to trade a bit. Blaydes nailed Hunt by an immediate takedown to begain the round, driving Hunt into the fence. After the premier round, Blaydes just struck from the edge of his far longer range. Hunt made the generality of the opportunities given to him, however he was forced to battle a sodifficult battle final night.

Ultimate Fighting Championship 221 results from final night: Tyson Pedro versus Saparbek Safarov battle recap

ufc (UFC) Light Heavyweight prospects Tyson Pedro & Saparbek Safarov threw drop final night (Feb. ten, 2018) at UFC 221 inside Perth Arena in Perth, Australia. Filling the underdog role was Safarov, a battle Sambo fighter by only a single Former UFC battle. Pedro unlocked the bout working an early jab & low kick, however Safarov was enable to of land a double leg takedown. In the final minute of the round, Safarov landed a brief takedown & transitioned into a double leg takedown. Though he did injury Safarov, Pedro was always looking to snap his foe drop to the mat or even land his own takedown.

UFC 221 results from last night: Tyson Pedro vs Saparbek Safarov fight recap

This content may collect you by Max Nolan

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