MLB teams honor slain Florida high school students during spring trainingdollar

Spring training got off to a solemn begain as MLB teams wore hats to honor Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were fatally bullet 9 days ago. Stoneman Douglas baseball coach Todd Fitz-Gerald & his 2 sons were guests of the Houston Astros for their spring opener versus the Washington Nationals. Members of the school's baseball & softball teams were guests of the Marlins & mingled on the field by players, coaches & chief executive officerDerek Jeter. Both the Astros & Nationals wore them during Friday's games. Many teams going to have signed caps to be auctioned off to benefit the preys & families influenced by the shooting.

MLB teams honor Stoneman Douglas High School shooting preys with wearing 'SD' hatsdollar

Spring training got off to a solemn begain as MLB teams wore hats to honor Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were fatally bullet 9 days ago. Teams had the option of wearing the caps, that are black by "SD" in block letters, during the games or just during warm-ups. The Astros, Nationals, Boston Red Sox & NY Yankees were between the teams to wear the hats Friday. "Wearing the hats today, I think that means a lot to all of America. "Wearing the hats today, I think that means a lot to all of America.

MLB teams honor Stoneman Douglas High School shooting victims by wearing 'SD' hats

MLB teams honor Stoneman Douglas preys as spring training games begindollar

as declared in Earlier this 30 days, 17 people were murdered during a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. This latest violent tragedy touched lives all across the country, & great League Baseball is no exception. Cubs premier baseman Anthony Rizzo, a Stoneman Douglas alum, has been active in calling for change & helping to advance the recovery process. As well, A's prospect Jesus Luzardo, another Stoneman Douglas graduate, is helping lift money to aid the preys of the shooting. The Royals & Rangers were the just teams not in action on Friday, Extremely they'll wear Stoneman Douglas hats on Saturday.

This content may collect you by Max Nolan

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