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one position, six-three, over Felix Albert & Fabian Woehrl. Hendrix brought house the premier point in singles action by a straight-Determine beat, six-three, six-two, over Eric Kenneth in the No. Isaac Perez/Patrick Sklenka (AF) def. Isaac Perez (AF) def. Eric Kenneth (UH) six-three, six-2Match Notes:Air Force seven-2Hawai'i 0-5Order of end: Doubles (one,two); Singles (six,three,one,four,two,five)

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"Florida State is perfect— no if, ands, or buts about it," explained head coach Kim Gidley. The Falcons dropped all six singles positions in difficulty fought battles versus the talented Florida State team. "It was a major opportunity to compete versus the caliber of an opponent such as Florida State," said Gidley. AIR FORCE at #20 FLORIDA STATE, Feb. 17DoublesCarla Touly/Ariana Rahmanparast (FS) DNF TJ Fumagalli/Elizabeth Barnickel (AF) –five-two, unfinished #50 Andrea Garcia/Petra Hule (FS) def. Meredith Laskey/Carley Hatcliff (AF) –six-1SinglesFINAL: FLORIDA STATE seven, AIR FORCE 0Match Notes:Air Force five-2Florida State University six-two; National ranking #20Order of end: Doubles (three,two); Singles (six,one,three,four,five,two)

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AUBURNTIGERS.COM No. 13 ladies's Tennis Sweeps Doubleheader :: Auburn University formal Athletic Site Auburn University formal Athletic Site :: ladies's Tennis

as informed in Alizee Michaud followed which by a six-two, six-two beat over Michigan State's Habiba Shaker on court of law two to put Auburn up three-0. Alizee Michaud (AUBURN) def. Madeline Meredith (AUBURN) def. Georgie Axon (AUBURN) def. Georgie Axon/Caroline Turner (AUBURN) def.

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