National Football League rejects Super Bowl advertisement from veterans group which asks players to stand during anthem
In October, National Football League commissar Roger Goodell & National Football League owners decided the league wouldn't penalize players for kneeling. The Fresh Britain Patriots going to compete versus the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl on Feb. four. National Football League Vice President of Communications Brian McCarthy said in a statement which formal Super Bowl programs are not a place for political messaging. "The Super Bowl game programme is designed for fans to commemorate & solemnize the game, players, teams & the Super Bowl. In some statuses, veterans & servicemembers have been used politically as a reason National Football League players ought stand during the anthem.
National Football League rejects Super Bowl LII programme advertisement submitted with veterans group
as informed in lock SportsPulse: From Philadelphia, National Football League insiders Lorenzo Reyes & Mike Jones look ahead to Super Bowl LII's matchup among the Patriots & Eagles. The rejected AMVETS Super Bowl LII programme advertisement. "The Super Bowl game programme is designed for fans to commemorate & solemnize the game, players, teams & the Super Bowl," National Football League spokesman Brian McCarthy told USA TODAY Sports by email. Super Bowl LII preview: 3 things to knowJones: Underdog Eagles look to have their day in Super BowlDougherty: Belichick as a better National Football League coach ever? Not Extremely fastMcCarthy said a VFW advertisement for the Super Bowl programme was submitted & later confirmed for a tagline which read: "We Stand for Veterans" by text describing advantages the Administration offers.This content may collect you by Max Nolan