MLB hot stove: Mets interested in Mike Moustakas, report tellsdollar

Mets ownership has been taking sufficient heat to melt all of the snow the "Bomb Cyclone" dropped by their decision go inexpensive in 2018. Whatever the status perhaps be, John Harper of the NY Daily break news announced interest in toll free agent 3rd baseman Mike Moustakas. 18 for 2018: Mets storylines to followMoustakas, a 29-year-old 2-time All-Star, makes sense for the Mets for various reasons. Moustakas would effectively resolvethe crises at 3rd foundation & 2nd, allowing Asdrubal Cabrera to move over to 2nd foundation. however the Mets are slashing payroll & Moustakas will not come inexpensive.

MLB toll free agency: Mets expanding their scope to Mike Moustakas, Todd Frazierdollar

When none is imminent, the Mets have interest in 2 of the biggest toll free-agent names at 3rd foundation on the market. According to, NY is eyeing deals by either previous Yankees, Reds & White Sox 3rd baseman Todd Frazier, or longtime Royals stalwart Mike Moustakas. Neither player has garnered much attention this offseason, however both perhaps be a deal on the market, that is the reason the Mets announclyhave interest. The asking value for both players would must go drop for the Mets to sign either, according to the report. The team is announclywill give Smith at-bats, however they probably not necessarily see him as their everyday solution right This time.

MLB free agency: Mets expanding their scope to Mike Moustakas, Todd Frazier

MLB Rumors: Mike Moustakas, Todd Frazier Drawing Interest From Metsdollar

as mentioned in The NY Mets announclyare interested in adding some reinforcement to the hot corner. toll free-agent 3rd basemen Mike Moustakas & Todd Frazier are gaining some interest from the Mets, according to's Jon Paul Morosi. The large kicker, however, would be the asking value for both players being dropped to a degree in order for the Mets to make a large push for 1 or the other. however the interest does not only stop at the 2 3rd basemen. Morosi too notes which the Mets "have had some contact" by catcher Johnathan Lucroy.

This content may collect you by Max Nolan

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