Isaiah Christopher Academy gives basketball players exposure, chance at scholarships

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Isaiah Christopher Academy gives basketball players exposure, chance at scholarships

Isaiah Christopher Academy gives basketball players exposure, chance at scholarships
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Reordering of top 25 players in college basketball

Reordering of top 25 players in college basketball
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InsiderWelcome to 2017.We've now seen more than enough basketball to revisit that preseason ranking of the sport's top 25 players.Needless to say, there have been some changes made.
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Syracuse basketball players struggling to handle this level of losing: 'It's killing me'

Syracuse basketball players struggling to handle this level of losing: 'It's killing me'
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Syracuse, N.Y. — For many college basketball teams an 8-6 start to the season would hardly set off any alarms.In Syracuse, the sky really does seem to be falling after Sunday's stunning 96-81 loss to Boston College dropped the Orange's record to 8-6 overall and 0-1 in the ACC.This is a program just months removed an appearance in the NCAA's Final Four.
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