NFL adds synthetic marijuana to banned list : upi

according to upi

NFL adds synthetic marijuana to banned list

NFL adds synthetic marijuana to banned list
NFL adds synthetic marijuana to banned list
The NFL has added synthetic marijuana to the list of banned substances within the league's 2016 drug policy.The league and the NFL Players Association announced Wednesday that a key change included: "Synthetic Marijuana -- known by the names Spice, K2 and Blaze, among others -- has been added to the standard testing panel."Synthetic marijuana is most commonly made by spraying chemicals on dried and shredded plant material.
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not to mention denverpost

NFL adds synthetic marijuana to list of banned substances

NFL adds synthetic marijuana to list of banned substances
NFL adds synthetic marijuana to list of banned substances
The NFL and NFL Players Association announced Wednesday that they modified their drug policies and, among other changes, have added synthetic marijuana to the list of banned substances.Also known as "Spice," "K2" and "Blaze," synthetic marijuana has been added to the standard testing panel for substances of abuse, and players are banned from having more than 2.5 nanograms of synthetic cannabinoids per milliliter of urine.A growing contingent of former and current players have advocated for the allowance of natural cannabis — both whole-plant cannabis and the non-psychoactive compound, cannabidiol — for pain management and for treating the symptoms of traumatic brain injury.
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in the same way espn

NFL adds synthetic marijuana to list of banned substances

NFL adds synthetic marijuana to list of banned substances
NFL adds synthetic marijuana to list of banned substances
The NFL and NFL Players Association has added synthetic marijuana to the list of banned substances within its 2016 drug policy, according to a joint announcement by the league and union Wednesday.Players and teams were informed in August of the change.The NFLPA made public the information Wednesday.
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