Former UFC champ Shane Carwin scores brutal knockout with only one hand : mmafighting

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Former UFC champ Shane Carwin scores brutal knockout with only one hand

Former UFC champ Shane Carwin scores brutal knockout with only one hand
Former UFC champ Shane Carwin scores brutal knockout with only one hand
The Shane Carwin comeback train got rolling this weekend, though not exactly in the way many people expected.
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not to mention bloodyelbow

Former UFC heavyweight Shane Carwin KO's Jason Ellis with one arm

Former UFC heavyweight Shane Carwin KO's Jason Ellis with one arm
Former UFC heavyweight Shane Carwin KO's Jason Ellis with one arm
Shane Carwin's devastating knockout power hasn't diminished in the slightest.
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furthermore sportsjoe

WATCH: Former UFC heavyweight Shane Carwin brutally knocks out pro skater using only one hand

WATCH: Former UFC heavyweight Shane Carwin brutally knocks out pro skater using only one hand
WATCH: Former UFC heavyweight Shane Carwin brutally knocks out pro skater using only one hand
Former interim UFC heavyweight champion Shane Carwin made his comeback to the fight game on Saturday, but not in the way you might have expected.
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