NKU basketball players involved in sex 'incident' : cincinnati

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NKU basketball players involved in sex 'incident'

NKU basketball players involved in sex 'incident'
NKU basketball players involved in sex 'incident'
Buy Photo NKU athletic director Ken Bothof (right).(Photo: Patrick Reddy / The Enquirer)Buy PhotoHIGHLAND HEIGHTS - Northern Kentucky University's athletic director recently admitted under oath that more than one of the school's basketball players were involved in some kind of sexual 'incident' last year that brought the scrutiny of NKU's top brass and involved the school's internal discipline system.NKU AD Ken Bothof also said that the players involved were allowed to finish the season and the conference tournament after the incident in February 2015.
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KU basketball players prepare to rise and shine in coach Bill Self's Boot Camp

KU basketball players prepare to rise and shine in coach Bill Self's Boot Camp
KU basketball players prepare to rise and shine in coach Bill Self's Boot Camp
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UNLV hoping local basketball players want to stay home

UNLV hoping local basketball players want to stay home
UNLV hoping local basketball players want to stay home
UNLV basketball coach Marvin Menzies has acknowledged the late start he and his staff received because of the hiring process put them behind in recruiting for the 2017 class.But they are making an effort, as well as putting in the time for the 2018 and 2019 classes.UNLV hasn't landed any commitments for the current class, but that doesn't mean recruiting isn't going well.

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