as mentioned in bleacherreport
College Basketball Players Tasked with Replacing Last Year's Biggest Stars
College Basketball Players Tasked with Replacing Last Year's Biggest StarsThe Outgoing Star: Ben Simmons19.2 PPG, 11.8 RPG, 4.8 APG, 2.0 SPGThe Replacement: Um...Like Hield, Ben Simmons put up once-in-a-lifetime-type numbers.In fact, Simmons was so much better than anyone in recent memory, you can reduce each of his averages by 18 percent to 15.7 points, 9.7 rebounds and 3.9 assists per games, and he's still the only player in at least 23 years to put up those numbers.Whether he pans out in the NBA remains to be seen, but with all due respect to Brandon Ingram and others, it's downright laughable that there was ever any debate over who should be the No.
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not to mention legalinsurrection
Virginia Tech Basketball Coach Teaches Players Why We Stand for the Anthem
Virginia Tech Basketball Coach Teaches Players Why We Stand for the AnthemKneeling during the national anthem has taken the sports by storm since San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick began it during preseason to protest police treatment of black people.Other NFL players have done it along with high school football players.But Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams will not have that behavior in his house.
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let alone nationofblue
Former Basketball Players Share Favorite Moments at UK
Former Basketball Players Share Favorite Moments at UKSeveral former UK basketball players, going all the way back to Adolph Rupp's days, recently shared their favorite moments during their college careers.You will definitely want to check this out: